Friday, May 4, 2012

Work Together

Howard Rheingold has a great TED lecture on the importance of collaboration and cooperation. People are starting to realize that sharing and working together can produce creative and innovative products and services. Traditional methods companies use like keeping projects and software a secret and only work on them with internal resources has limited their development. The Open-Source Movement puts an emphasis on community collaboration. Instead of developing something from only within the company, open sourcing opens the project up to a community and allows anyone to alter and make contributions.

I think the open source movement is awesome. Collaboration from a community that is interested and dedicated to something is way better than the same small group of people working together on every project. The open source movement gives everyone a chance to make suggestions for improvement. My only concern for open source projects is standardization. The constant collaboration is great for making improvements, but too much change in a product can become annoying. Then again, is constant changes due to improvements a bad thing? Saying yes to improvements seems silly, so I think people need to start contributing, collaborating, and working as a team.

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