Thursday, April 5, 2012

 is my favorite website on the entire internet. The site contains thousands of pages that are dedicated to a specific topic called "subreddits." There are subreddits for just about everything: Pictures, science, business, beer, hiking, cooking, travel, books, and so many more creative niche hobbies. The content on the site is entirely user-generated because users post the content. Then other users can either comment and share their thoughts and start discussions about the post.

I visit multiple times a day. New content is always being added and updated and there is a constant dialogue about so many topics. I honestly don't think there are any flaws to the website. It's an awesome resource that I encourage everyone to become familiar with.

I began my internet usage with American Online. I remember signing into my AOL account and hearing "Welcome! You've got mail." AOL was the starting platform that showed me what the internet had to offer. After exploring other websites and seeing the services they had to offer, I grew away from AOL. It only provided me with basic services. Other websites offered similar services but with a different experience. AOL is a "general" website whereas I look for very "specialized" websites that have a better focus on the service they provide. AOL is not a bad website, but I want more out of my internet usage and AOL doesn't offer me that.

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